Francesca Tongiorgi

brand Manager, Docente NABA Milano, Redattrice Fashion Network

Francesca ha maturato un’ampia esperienza in ambito Stile, Product Development, Brand Management e Comunicazione per Aziende leader di mercato in diversi settori merceologici – orologi, gioielli, tessile e abbigliamento – appartenenti al comparto Fashion & Luxury. All’attività di consulente in ambito Brand Management affianca la docenza di fashion Marketing e l’attività editoriale. Laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne presso l’Università statale di Milano ha successivamente frequentato un master in Relazioni Pubbliche e il master in Marketing e Comunicazione Digitale presso Il Sole 24Ore Business School.

Francesca has gained extensive experience in the fields of Style, Product Development, Brand Management and Communication for leading companies in luxury market – watches, jewellery, textiles and apparel . Besides Brand Management consultancies, she teaches Fashion Marketing and she is a contributor for a trade online fashion magazine. She graduated in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature at Milan State University and then attended a Master in Public Relations and a Master in Marketing and Digital Communication at Il Sole 24Ore Business School.

Francesca ha maturato un’ampia esperienza in ambito Stile, Product Development, Brand Management e Comunicazione per Aziende leader di mercato in diversi settori merceologici – orologi, gioielli, tessile e abbigliamento - appartenenti al comparto Fashion & Luxury. All'attività di consulente in ambito Brand Management affianca la docenza di fashion Marketing e l'attività editoriale. Laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne presso l’Università statale di Milano ha successivamente frequentato un master in Relazioni Pubbliche e il master in Marketing e Comunicazione Digitale presso Il Sole 24Ore Business School.

Francesca has gained extensive experience in the fields of Style, Product Development, Brand Management and Communication for leading companies in luxury market - watches, jewellery, textiles and apparel . Besides Brand Management consultancies, she teaches Fashion Marketing and she is a contributor for a trade online fashion magazine. She graduated in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature at Milan State University and then attended a Master in Public Relations and a Master in Marketing and Digital Communication at Il Sole 24Ore Business School.

Dario Casalini, fondatore Slow Fiber
Niccolò Cipriani, fondatore Rifò
Viola Dalle Mese, direttore marketing Conceria Montebello
Gio Giacobbe, amministratore delegato ACBC
Tiziano Guardini, Conscious Creative Director
Marco Mantellassi, amministratore delegato Manteco
Francesca Tongiorgi, brand Manager, Docente NABA Milano, Redattrice Fashion Network
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