Monica Araya

executive Director International European Climate Foundation

Mónica Araya is the Executive Director of the European Climate Foundation’s international portfolio and a member of the Executive Management Team. She oversees the work and grant-making on trade, diplomacy, decarbonisation plans, and global climate politics.

For over 20 years, Mónica has worked with government, business, philanthropy and advocacy leaders on accelerating climate action.

She has worked as a strategist for several initiatives, boards and campaigns. She helped develop Costa Rica’s national decarbonization plan, was a Special Adviser to the High-Level Champion for Climate Action at COP26 in Glasgow and was a Distinguished Fellow at ClimateWorks Foundation. She helped incubate the Drive Electric Campaign. For her work on electrification, she was included in the list of “BBC 100 Women.”

Previously, Mónica worked at the Ministry of Foreign Trade in Costa Rica, Climate Change Capital, the UN negotiations and E3G. Her collaboration with the European Climate Foundation spans a decade. She obtained a Master’s in Economic Policy at the University of Costa Rica and a Master and PhD from Yale University.

Mónica Araya is the Executive Director of the European Climate Foundation’s international portfolio and a member of the Executive Management Team. She oversees the work and grant-making on trade, diplomacy, decarbonisation plans, and global climate politics.

For over 20 years, Mónica has worked with government, business, philanthropy and advocacy leaders on accelerating climate action.

She has worked as a strategist for several initiatives, boards and campaigns. She helped develop Costa Rica’s national decarbonization plan, was a Special Adviser to the High-Level Champion for Climate Action at COP26 in Glasgow and was a Distinguished Fellow at ClimateWorks Foundation. She helped incubate the Drive Electric Campaign. For her work on electrification, she was included in the list of “BBC 100 Women.”

Previously, Mónica worked at the Ministry of Foreign Trade in Costa Rica, Climate Change Capital, the UN negotiations and E3G. Her collaboration with the European Climate Foundation spans a decade. She obtained a Master’s in Economic Policy at the University of Costa Rica and a Master and PhD from Yale University.

Venerdì 5 aprile / ore 10.30-13
Crédit Agricole Green Life, Auditorium
Via la Spezia, 138A, Parma, PR, Italia
Saluti di
Giampiero Maioli, amministratore delegato Crédit Agricole Italia e Senior Country Officer
Daniele Manca, vicedirettore Corriere della Sera
Alessandra Pizzi, curatrice Green Week e amministratore delegato Post Eventi
Michele Guerra, sindaco di Parma
Paolo Martelli, rettore Università di Parma
Nicola Bertinelli, presidente Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano
Davide Bollati, presidente Davines Group
Gabriele Buia, presidente Unione Parmense degli Industriali
Alessandro Chiesi, presidente Gruppo Chiesi e presidente Parma, io ci sto!
Alberto Figna, presidente Agugiaro e Figna Molini
Ermete Realacci, presidente Fondazione Symbola e presidente comitato scientifico del Festival
Chiara Angeli, head of Commercial Operations Volvo Car Italia
Fulvia Bacchi, direttore generale UNIC Concerie Italiane
Valeria Brambilla, socio e presidente Deloitte & Touche
Pietro Negra, fondatore e presidente Pinko
Giuseppe Pasini, presidente Feralpi Group
Luca Ruini, vicepresidente Sicurezza, Ambiente e Energia Gruppo Barilla
Filippo Zuppichin, amministratore delegato Piovan
Intervento di
Monica Araya, executive Director International European Climate Foundation
Nicola Saldutti, caporedattore Economia Corriere della Sera
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